It can be tempting for people to practice yoga whenever they are motivated. Identifying the best time to do yoga is essential to improve its benefits. Yet, there is no need to be so particular about the time to practice it. The best time to practice yoga will be different for everyone. Identify when is the best time to do yoga and schedule it as per your lifestyle, personal preferences, and health, but make sure that the time you choose should create consistency and suits well into your routine.
Doing Yoga Before Sunrise
During the ancient period, yogis considered Brahma Muhurta, i.e., 96 minutes before sunrise, an ideal time for enhancing inner peace and spiritual elevation. Waking up early can be challenging at first, but it can be simple later, and the results will be worth it. Practicing Asanas and pranayama can help us to increase our spiritual well-being and energy levels and allows the individual to connect to the inner self as there will be no distractions during that time. Brahma Muhurta gives us peace and a sense of calm, which is important for self-absorption and self-reflection.
Some downsides initially exist, like feeling sleepy and needing more motivation to practice during Brahma Muhurta. It will be too dark and cold to practice comfortably, and it will be difficult to hold poses for longer as you will feel sleepy.
Benefits of Yoga in the Morning
Yoga in the morning can help you start the day right by boosting your energy and clarity while developing a positive mindset. It can be easier to maintain regular morning practice as many people have morning routines that are more manageable or predictable. In addition, many people find that they are more active practicing in the morning compared to the end of the day. Some people may practice yoga on an empty stomach to prevent cramps or indigestion.
Mornings are best for energetic practices to keep you fresh and energized. Practice energizing backbends like wheel pose (urdhva dhanurasana) or inversions like headstand (sirsasana) or handstand (adho mukha vrksasana) or incorporate rounds of the sun salutations (surya namaskar).
Benefits of Yoga in the Afternoon
Yoga in the afternoon before dinner might help you relax after a stressful morning and stimulate your appetite for dinner. Be sure to wait at least two hours after eating if you prefer to practice between meals. Additionally, compared to first thing in the morning, when you feel stiffer, your muscles might be more warmed up later in the day. When your muscles are less tight, you can focus more on increasing flexibility.
The best can frequently be felt by doing yoga in the afternoon. It’s a good time for challenging, intense practice as you feel more energetic. But it might also be beneficial to unwind at the end of your workday.
Benefits of Yoga in the Evening
Many people find that they are restless or uneasy at the end of the day, making it difficult to wind down for the night. After a long day, a yoga session in the evening can help you unwind and prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep. After a day of standing or sitting at a desk, a daily practice helps re-align your spine and relax stiff muscles.
Evening yoga can be an excellent way to get your evening routine going and to ready for the next day with a calmer, more focused approach. People who do not like getting up too early in the morning may benefit more from evening yoga. The greatest time to practice might be in the evening when your body is more open and relaxed. Pick positions like forward folds, gentle twists, and therapeutic ones like supported bridge poses or legs up the wall to help you relax and let go of the pressures of the day.
Best Time To Do Yoga
Finding the best time for you is important because both morning, afternoon, and evening yoga sessions have unique advantages. The key is consistency over time if you want to achieve the most advantages. Create your schedule according to your goals, energy, and motivation levels and when you have committed time without distractions. Certain times of the day are preferable for practice depending on your particular goals. Finding the best time for you is essential to maintaining consistency and enjoying yoga’s amazing benefits for your body, mind, and life.